Effectiveness of the Otaria’s Postpartum Gymnastic Model and Caregiver Assistance on Decreasing of Uterine Fundal Height in Postpartum Mothers

Effectiveness of the Otaria’s Postpartum Gymnastic Model and Caregiver Assistance on Decreasing of Uterine Fundal Height in Postpartum Mothers


Postpartum  gymnastic  is  one  of  the efforts to restore the postpartum mother’s womb, therefore the development of postpartum gymnastic to get an effective gymnastic model is still needed. The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of the Otaria   postpartum gymnastic model and caregiver assistance to reduce of postpartum maternal uterine fundal height, using matching pretest-posttest with control group, involved 160 postpartum maternal. The final  results  based    on the General  Linear    Model-Repeated Measures (GLM-RM) for the difference (∆) between of uterine height in the intervention group and the control group showed that a very significant difference occurred on the day to the day postpartum with a difference of 1.65 cm (p<0.05). Conclusion, that by implementing Otaria’s postpartum gymnastic model and caregiver assistance, the uterine height will return to its normal form on the day postpartum.

Keywords: Postpartum, Gymnastic, Caregiver, Uterine Fundal Height

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