Strawberry as An Extrinsic Stain Remover

Strawberry as An Extrinsic Stain Remover

Extrinsic stain on teeth can cause by chromogenic materials. Malic acid in strawberries can erode stain. Finding the influence of strawberries in removing extrinsic stain on member of academic of Health’s Polytechnic Jakarta I. Quasi experimental with pre post experiment design was used on 22 person with stained 12 upper and lower anterior teeth. Data collected within 5 days, two times a day by smearing teeth with crushed strawberries for 5 minutes, brushed and rinsed. Measure the stain before and after treatment with Lobene Stain Index, then analysed statisticaly. The average of extrinsic stain score change that occurred before and after being treated with strawberries amounted to 2.80. It is proved significant using T test. There is no contribution of sex, age, and chromogenic agents to the decline in extrinsic stain scores after treatment. This study examined extrinsic stain obtained by any chromogenic materials, better outcomes on respondents without chromogenic materials. The conclusion is a decrease in extrinsic stain scores significantly, and strawberries can remove extrinsic stain without being influenced by sex, age, and consumption of chromogenic agents.

Keywords: extrinsic stain, strawberry

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