The Item Development of Maternal Scale Blues Suryani (MBS) in the antepartum period through bonding attachment that predicting postpartum blues
Objective: This study aims to develop the maternal blues scale of the antepartum period through bonding attachment, and the closeness
Methods: Design of the mother to the fetus. Of the development items of maternal blues scale is cross-sectional. The number of research samples is 450.
Results: The number of statements had produced lute from the maternal blues scale through abso-measurements, incremental appropriateness variant measurements, construct validity (CR), and extraction (VE) were 24 items had been declared valid and reliable. The maternal blues model’s (MBS) scale has been grouped roles into two variables; internal variables (maternal and tasks) eight items and external (cultural)
Conclusions: social support) 16 items. The MBS scale through bonding postpartum attachments had been valid and reliable to predict blues.